New Zealand Air Force Museum

New Zealand Air Force Museum

(Christchurch, NZ)

Hi all!

Here are some photos I took from my recent trip across New Zealand (beautiful country by the way).
I was happy to visit the New Zealand Air Force Museum in Christchurch.
Beautifully maintained installations and planes. Best of all, free entry!

It is definitively a must see museum, especially if you are in Christchurch area.

Paulo and Marcela BBC3 Plastic Modelling Interview


Well! This interview was suppose to be with Marcela, my 12 years old daughter and her modelling skills.
I ended up being involved and having a participation in the whole thing.
It was a good advertise for plastic modelling and for our South Australian Plastic Modeller Association (SAPMA).
This is a video for the whole 15 minutes program, our part starts around 10 minutes.
Check this out!

Era para ser uma entrevista apenas com a Marcela falando sobre plastimodelismo, mas acabou que acabei tendo uma participação na estória.
No final foi uma boa propaganda para o plastimodelismo e também para o meu clube de plastimodelismo o SAPMA (South Australians Plastic Modellers Association).
Confiram, o vídeo abaixo. Nossa parte começa aos 10 minutos.

That's all for now mates!